Last updated: October 17, 2023

Pro Dance Workout, the offered services and the website belong to SIA PRO DANCE WORKOUT, Reg. no. 40203510652 (“PDW©”).

These Terms of Use govern your use of the PDW© Services and Website. By purchasing a subscription or Drop-In class offered on our website, you enter into a legally binding contract with PDW© and agree to these Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, as well as any additional terms attached to the Service. Therefore, please pay attention to these terms of use and other information on the website.

If you find anything in the Terms that you do not agree with, please stop using the Services and the Site immediately. If you have any questions, please send an email to studio@prodanceworkout.com.


In these regulations, the following terms are used in the following sense:

When we say "User" or "You", we refer to the person who uses the Services in accordance with these Terms;

When we say “we” or “us” we refer to PDW©;

“Services” means dance fitness classes, events and retreats provided by PDW©;

"Prepayment" means money paid in advance in connection with the participation fee;

"Subscription" means the subscription selected on our website to which the User's rights in relation to the lesson are associated;

"Calendar month" means the period from the day of one month to the corresponding day of the next month, if any, or, if not, to the last day of the next month (January 3 to February 3 or January 31 to February 29) ;

"Agreement" - Legally binding agreement with the service user and PDW©;

"Parties" - User of the Services and PDW©.


We work on a prepaid basis. Buy first and only then use our services. You can pay for services on our website by card. Cash payments are not allowed.

The PDW© invoice is prepared electronically in accordance with the requirements of Article 7 of the Law "On Accounting", and the invoice is valid without a signature.

The amount for the services offered and available to the User is available on our website.

We reserve the right to change fees without prior notice. However, we will endeavor to notify Users of any changes as soon as possible.

PDW© has the right to organise campaigns in the course of which the participation fee may change, which will be specified in the campaign rules, and will also apply only to those persons who meet the definitions mentioned in the campaign rules.


2.3. The start date is the date that the Member has presented when making the payment.

The purchased Subscription in accordance with these terms gives the User the right to use PDW© services during the time period for which the Subscription is reserved.

By purchasing a 3-month subscription, the User can use it for 3 calendar months from the day the payment was made.
By purchasing a 1-month subscription, the User can use it for 1 calendar month from the specified start date.

The purchased subscription is intended for use by one person, its transfer to other persons is prohibited.

If for any reason the customer decides to cancel the subscription, the money will not be refunded. So if you just want to try us out, we have a Drop-in class available for you. Only in those cases, if the customer cannot use the purchased subscription immediately, we can transfer it to another month.


The date chosen by the user when booking a class is considered the date of the Drop-In class.


Regarding Subscriptions:

The user can use the classes only as many times as specified in the purchased subscription. If the classes are not fully used within a certain period of time, it does not carry over to the next month and is forfeited. If the classes have been used outside of a certain period of time, the user can purchase a new subscription.

The missed classes of any purchased subscription cannot be transferred to another day and are forfeited. No refunds will be given for missed classes of any purchased subscription.

Regarding Drop-In & Event

A Drop-In class or Event is automatically booked at the time of purchase and cannot be cancelled.

No refunds will be given for missed Drop-IN classes and events.

Any class can be canceled at least 6 hours before it starts. Cancellation of the class made less than 6 hours before the beginning of the class is not accepted and the money is not refunded.

If classes or events are canceled due to PDW©'s fault, the time will be compensated. This will be done at the discretion of PDW©. We do not accept financial responsibility for classes and events canceled due to events beyond our control (pandemic, etc.).

We reserve the right to change the class schedule in the event of coach illness.


This Agreement is valid until you stop using the service and/or request that your User account be deactivated and deleted or it is terminated by PDW©'s decision.


User may terminate this Agreement by contacting us at studio@prodanceworkout.com. Cancellation of the service before the end of the subscription period does not entitle the User to a refund.


You agree that we may terminate this Agreement immediately if you fail to comply with these terms.

We may deny you access to all or any part of the Service or terminate your account with or without notice if you engage in any activity or activities that we believe, in our sole discretion, violate this Agreement or the rights of any third party. PDW© may, without limitation, deny you access to the Services or terminate this Agreement.

We are not responsible for any damages caused to you or any third party as a result of termination of the Agreement or discontinuance of use of the Services.


All resulting or related disputes are resolved through negotiations, but if an agreement is not reached, disputes are resolved in court in accordance with the valid legal acts of the Republic of Latvia.

In matters that are not regulated in these regulations, the Parties shall comply with the valid legal acts of the Republic of Latvia.


We process the User's personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable laws, requirements and in accordance with the conditions set out in the Privacy Notice.


The user grants us the unrestricted right to publish their photos or recordings for commercial, promotional, contest or other purposes.


We reserve the right to change or modify these Web Terms of Use at any time without notice, and changes will be posted on the Site. You should always review these Terms of Web Use and Membership before using the Services.

The head of the studio will inform you about changes (time, price, location of the lessons) during the lessons or by sending information to your e-mail address or phone.

Your use of the Services following any changes or amendments to these Terms of Use constitutes your acceptance of such changes or amendments.